Final Fantasy Fanon

[Prologue: The Start of World War DCCLXX]

Written By: Lua Snow
Read By: You

Budreriel, the Shadow World …

It has become a world of evil because of the people’s evil deeds and thoughtless acts. One of the causes of these evil deeds are these World Wars … when the countries of the whole world of Budreriel go inside the war. These wars never ended, and continued up to 0000 MC to 0769 MC. Yes, every year comes a war, and there was no peace. And now, Year 0769, comes one of the World Wars … World War DCCLXX.

Every country joined the war, but there were only two that survived this year … the Londinian Empire and the Qualinan Kingdom. Only these two countries are at war, and there can only be one that can survive.

Months later, Londinia won, and the Empire itself is now the only remaining monarchy. The Imperial flag was raised to signal the Empire’s victory.

This? This leads to a start … start of a quest to turn the Shadow World into the World of Light …

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