Final Fantasy Fanon

The Sisters of Fate are three blind sisters who had a single, powerful eye known as the Eye of Graii. With it, they were able to see the future of any individual.




The presumed leader despite being the youngest sister, Clotho has long red hair and wears tape over her missing eyes. She is initially shown to be calm and emotionless, like her sisters, but soon into interacting with her Sadow found that each are hotheaded and easily-angered, especially Clotho. She is arrogant and full of herself, being charmed by flirtation and angered when her sisters recieve more attention than her.




The eldest sister, Atropos wears a dark-pink leather strap over her missing eyes and has long, pink hair. Like the rest of her sisters, she first appears emotionless and solemn. Though, due to her maturity, she is the only one who can maintain this even after being annoyed to great lengths. She will often scold her other sisters on their behaviour, only to get a verbal retaliation for it. However, despite her cool and level-head, she can lose her temper once it reaches a certain height.




The mid-eldest sister, Lachesis wears tape over her missing eyes, like Clotho, but also a black cloth strap, trimmed with red, with a white cross at the center. She has blonde hair put in pigtails. Appearing, like her other sisters, cool and collected most of the time, she will easily be provoked into an anger-filled fit, so much so that she will physically assault her sisters with the slightest provocation. She is extremely spoiled, and will often complain when either bored or when she doesn't get what she wants.
